Student Council’s and SFAC’S Mission

With the upcoming election for the Subbie StudCo and SFAC officers, two representatives of Student Council and SFAC shared what they are doing and how they are helping to make Uni a better place. They have a lot of thrilling activities and events planned this year 


Taehan Lee is part of SFAC. He started his third year as a SFAC representative. When he decided to apply for the position he didn’t really know what he was getting into, but he wanted to be more involved in student leadership. He said that SFAC is a student and faculty group that is focusing on bringing concerns from students directly to the faculty.  SFAC works as a communication channel between the students and the faculty. They are working together with the student council and they hope to work even closer with them this year than they did in previous years. 


Another thing that SFAC does is reviewing proposals for funding. Students and faculty members have the chance to fill out a proposal for funding for their projects or activities that gets reviewed by the team. 


If you are interested in becoming a part of SFAC you can run for election every year. They meet every other Monday during lunch and there is one representative for each grade and a few faculty members. 


The goal for SFAC is to improve student life and give them a voice. 


Zhaoxin Sun,  president for the junior class, just started her fourth year in Student Council. 


Sun decided to run for student council because she didn’t want people leading a class who don’t really care about it. She experienced in middle school that people who got into student council were mostly popular kids who never really changed anything. When she came to Uni she decided to give it another try and now she is really happy to be a part of it. 


Student Council is a group of students that are there to plan and organize activities for students and work to make Uni a better and more fun place for students. 


In the past years the Student Council always tried to bring together the students and even during Covid they tried their best. During Covid they had a lot of outdoor events and Sun said that she was always really happy to see students show up to those events and to see all of the positive feedback.  For this year they also have a lot of fun and exciting activities planned. One of them was a Halloween event, and then there will be more happening towards Christmas. 


Her advice is to only run  for student council if you really want to commit to it and if you have fun planning and organizing events for your grade.