Approving New Clubs at Uni

The state of new clubs at Uni is at a standstill. While Student Council develops new bylaws for their Constitution of what constitutes a club, individuals hoping to start a club are currently unable to officially do so. Student Council has designated a Constitution Committee to finish writing it at soon as possible. They want to finalize the club section of it at as soon as possible to allow the approval of new clubs. Clubs can still meet unofficially, with similar meetings, but they don’t have a reserved room or teacher sponsor / supervisor. Uni has a history of students starting clubs for a large range of activities, all the student needs is an idea, a sponsor, a few friends, and the club would have likely been approved. The new club rules will help prevent potential duplicate clubs, and make sure that clubs stay accountable to their goals and missions.

The revoking of Coding Club puts the future of Uni clubs in the air, as people don’t know what to expect. One example of a club that has been held back is Chocolate Club, led by Annemily Hoganson and Raine Bernhard. They have been waiting for multiple weeks about a response for whether or not their club will be approved. They already have a sponsor, Mr. Wilson, and have been waiting for Student Council to rewrite the bylaws before they start actually meeting. No Constitution Committee member showed up for the meeting with Mr. Murphy, but Executive Student Council President Mallika Luthar says, “While we have no set date, we are working as fast as possible to craft the best policies we can so that the Constitution will last for years to come.”