On Aug. 31 during lunch, the Green Space was buzzing with life as preparations for Uni’s annual club exhibition event, Quad Day, got underway. Uni High’s Quad Day is a yearly event where school clubs present their organization to visitors and recruit members.
“I enjoyed Quad Day,” said Amina Barro, a junior at Uni. “It’s just very fun because you join these clubs, get snacks and candy … it motivates you to go around the school and look at the opportunities. I like what Quad Day gets us to do.”
According to Student Council sponsor Richard Murphy, Quad Day started occurring at Uni over 10 years ago.
“Maybe more than ten,” he said. “We kind of copied the idea off the University of Illinois … a lot of people went over and saw that and said, ‘Hey, that’s a good idea,’ so we kind of duplicated it.”
At the University, Quad Day is an annual event where clubs and RSOs from all over campus present their organization to students. Likewise, at Uni, Quad Day is an integral tradition as it highlights the various clubs and opportunities offered at school.
“We certainly had over 30 clubs presenting [this year]. Between 35 and 40,” Murphy stated.
Athena Dumlao, junior, thought Quad Day was much better than in past years.
“The layout was good. Years prior, it was really crowded, and hard to find the clubs you were looking for. [This year] I liked how we had Fiddle Club in the middle. Something was just different about it. We had more space,” she said.
Out of ten, she ranked it an eight.
“We had popsicles — last year it was just candy,” she said. She added that the quality of the goodies that clubs give away upon signing up is much higher than in past years as well.
Regarding the execution of Quad Day, Murphy said, “We plan it at the beginning of the year so subfreshmen and transfers can come in, see what’s happening and what’s out there, and encourage people to go [so] we were fortunate … It’s probably the best weather we’ve ever had.”
With a smile, he added, “I feel like it was a success.”