Solving the noise problem at Uni
A major issue plaguing the hallways of University Laboratory High School is the incessant noise that could debilitate a student’s capacity to study at school. Although there are a couple of designated quiet areas at Uni, these areas are very limited, prohibiting many students from being able to sit there, and the specified areas are often not silent like they should be.
Although some students are able to study during their free periods, many students claim they have a difficult time being productive during lunch and Uni period, because almost everyone is in the hallways socializing, and there is no place to escape the commotion.
The space, or lack thereof on the first and second floor, contributes to an apparent overuse of the library as an area of recreation and social gathering.
Senior Grace Sumitro, says “ When I need to get work done, my first point of interest is the library.”
When asked about how effective the space is at allowing her to work, Sumitro responds with “Depends on who is in there. If the gamers and friend groups are there, then I will, of course, struggle to stay on task”.
If there were more areas in the library, space would be available to more students and will help more students study. Many students are supportive of the idea for remodeling the library to allow for a more efficient use of space.
“I feel like the library would really benefit if there were more tables and chairs,” said sophomore Ray Jones.
If there were more areas on the first and second floor, the library would not be as crowded. The second floor only has only one small table, while the third floor has many. If some of these could be transferred to other floors, more library space would be opened up for studying rather than socializing.
The issue is not only isolated within the student population. Members of the Uni staff have also complained that grading assignments is virtually impossible in their offices.
Sophomore English teacher Phillip Ernstmeyer explains how his office at Kenney Gymnasium is less than subpar. Gymnasts are in and out of the space on a daily basis and with them, comes the blaring music of their routines. “When they restart their songs and the music is repeated over and over, it’s almost maddening in a sense,” says Ernstmeyer.
Effective workspaces are definitely in need and the renovated library along with the reopening of a back room in 106 North, previously the Subbie Lounge could certainly go a long way in providing these areas.