Elevator Policy at Uni
In recent years, the elevator policy at Uni has continued to be violated far beyond expected. Juniors and seniors have been using it regardless of being on the “Elevator Pass” (a list that dictates which students are allowed to use the elevator) or not, sometimes denying physically injured people access to it. Because of this, Assistant Director Karl Radnitzer was recently forced to implement a new, harsher policy.
In an email sent exclusively to the juniors, seniors, and faculty, Dr. Radnitzer described a plan he had put into effect in order to tighten up elevator usage: “Starting tomorrow, unless anyone has a better idea, if I see or a staff member tells me a student who is not on the list riding the elevator, the lounge will be closed for 24 hours.”
With this new punishment in place, chances are less people will ride the elevator without permission due to the nature of the punishment. If the lounge is ever closed, both juniors and seniors will hypothetically hunt down the violator and pressure them into not doing it again.
Mr. Butler also joined in by replying to everyone the email was sent to, saying: “How about this for a crazy myth: you, the seniors, have the right to use the elevator b/c you’re seniors!” He later explained that the “elevator was put in about 25 years ago to comply with federal regulations to make schools handicapped accessible. The federal government has NEVER put in provisions to give high school seniors elevator privileges, and neither has Uni High.”
After these emails were sent, there has been quite a bit of backlash among students. Asante Woods, junior, had this to say: “I think it’s stupid.” Other students such as senior Saahithi Maturi said this: “I don’t think it makes a difference if other people ride it.” They both feel that the new punishment is too harsh for the “crime” it is meant for.
Some students also had mixed opinions. “If everyone has the right to use the elevator I think it will get out of control, but there are times where I think it’s reasonable for non-injured people to use the elevator” said senior Rahi Miraftab-Salo.
Others fully agreed with the policy. “The elevator exists for injured students to get around, and if other people are blocking it that’s not good because some students really need the elevator or they can’t get to class,” says senior Adam Mao.
Fortunately for some, Dr. Radnitzer also said in the email that he is “open to other ideas,” which might lead to other, less-harsh punishments put into place later this year.
SY • Apr 17, 2018 at 11:24 pm
Speaking as an older alum, I have strong memories of the elevator being closed to all students for months after a particular incident with lettuce. Those emails were very strongly worded…