Uni High’s Lost Emails
Less than halfway through the year, there have already been over 60 lost emails sent out. However, many students find themselves simply not reading them.
Senior Chris Heffley said that he “only skims over the headers”.
Similarly, Junior Tim Cho stated that he only “reads the dumb things people say like “irresponsible subbie”. Both Heffley and Cho agree that there are simply too many emails getting sent out. They feel like emails about small things like the one about lost pencils are unnecessary. Students also think that the way the emails are being written are inappropriate.
“Some of the recent emails have been getting a little extravagant,” said Senior Sophia Ebel. “All you really need is this is what I lost, this is what it looks like, and thanks for your help.” Ebel stated that as a result of these more complicated emails, she has “been reading less and less of them”.
Heffley said that when you write a lost email, you should be “straight to the point because you don’t want to waste people’s time.”
Junior Alex Higgs added that the email should be “a tiny bit entertaining yet still convey the item lost”, and thinks that offering some kind of prize is nice.
Many students also believe that many of the follow-up emails are unnecessary. Higgs believes that whether or not you send a follow-up email depends on the item. He thinks that you could send out follow-up emails for expensive items like jewelry or technology, but items like “coats and pencil cases don’t need it”.
Ebel goes a step further and says “you could just send [a follow-up email] to the person who found it”, and hopes that this will lessen the flow of emails flying into her inbox.
Overall, many students are getting a little tired of all the lost emails. Instead of sending out an email, students should take better care of their belongings for the sake of everyone else’s sanity.