Subbie Elections 2017
Subbie class elections were held during first period on Monday, September 11, and there were 20 candidates in total. According to executive president Mallika Luthar, there are “usually quite a few candidates during subbie year, but [she’s] never seen so many subbies interested in running for office.”
Elections were originally supposed to be held during lunch, but due to the large number of contenders, they were switched to the subfreshmen’s P.E. period during first hour. In order to finish within the period, each nominee was given 90 seconds to give their speech as well.
Subfreshman Jonathan Yu decided to run for class office because “[he] felt like [he] would be able to learn a lot by [running for president].” He even created his own slogan in preparation for the event, “A vote for me is a vote for Yu.”
Leading up to the election, Studco had some concerns, especially in regards to time and a healthy voter size, but in the end, the election was able to finish within the allotted time. There were even a few minutes to spare! Senior class representative Maya Greer confirmed that almost everyone running stayed within the time limit and said, “[She] was pleasantly surprised.”
In regards to participating, Amaya McDuffie, who ran for SFAC, said, “[She] was a little nervous at first, but then, [she] realized that it was all about the experience, and it was really fun.” She even said, “[She] would definitely run again.”
Despite the initial shock and concerns of such a large election, it was able to end smoothly without any problems, including recounts or revotes. Congrats to Ariana Mizan, Serenity Lilly, Madeleine Keenan, and Amaya McDuffie the new subbie class officers.